Formula MAX is used to search the least value. Example of formula is =MAX(RANGE X:RANGE Y)

Example 1 : To find the maximum value of a row or column. 

In selected destination cell, type =MAX(RANGE X:RANGE Y). In this example, the formula would be =MAX(B2:B7).

Hit the enter button to get the maximum result.

Example 2 : To find maximum value of multiple rows or columns.

In selected destination cell, type =MAX(RANGE X:RANGE Y). In this example, the formula would be =MAX(B2:D7).

Hit the enter button to get the maximum result.


 Formula MIN is used to search the least value. Example of formula is =MIN(RANGE X:RANGE Y)

Example 1 : To find the minimum value of a row or column. 

In selected destination cell, type =MIN(RANGE X:RANGE Y). In this example, the formula would be =MIN(B2:B7).

Hit the enter button to get the minimum result.

Example 2 : To find minimum value of multiple rows or columns.

In selected destination cell, type =MIN(RANGE X:RANGE Y). In this example, the formula would be =MIN(B2:D7).

Hit the enter button to get the minimum result.


 SUM  - to sum/calculate a total of numbers. Example of formula would be =SUM(Range X:Range Y)

  Example 1

Select row or column to calculate the total of values. In this example, the row of values would be A2 to A7. 

To calculate the total values, type =SUM(Range X:Range Y) in the destination cell to display. In this example, it would be =SUM(A2:A7). Hit Enter to display the calculation result.

Example 2

We can also use SUM to calculate the total of multiple rows or column. For example, this row A and row B. 

We're going to calculate values in column A and column B. 

In selected cell for display value, type =SUM(A2:B7). Hit Enter to calculate the result.

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